The Superbrown Consortium of Bolzano and Trento was born in 1996 from the collaboration between the
Provicial Breeders Federation of Trento and the Provicial Brown Swiss Breeders Federation of Bolzano, occupied since 1988 in the consolidated tradition of the selection of Brown Swiss breed right for the mountain landscape.
In the 4.000 partners farms, about 50.000 bulls are raised in purity, among these, about 30.000 cows are submitted to functional check-ups.
During the last 20 years, the Superbrown consortium tested more than 600 young bulls, becoming one of the most interesting realities in the Brown Swiss worldwide panorama.
Today, for 450 of these bulls, the results of the Italian genetic evaluation are available. For about fifteen, more than 1000 daughters have been evaluated in production.
The Superbrown selection, using the scientific consultancy of Prof. G.Bittante and of his technical staff on the premises of the University of Padova, Animal Sciences Department, points at the improvement of:
- The contents of useful material of milk (Protein);
- The Cheese making ability (k-casein and LDG);
- The Animals’ Adaptability in the mountain landscape ;
- The general good health of the milk cows (BCS, milking, fertility and longevity).
Superbrown, even thanks to the technical and commercial collaborations with national and international partners, tests about 30 bulls coming from the best families of cows worldwide every year.
The objective is to offer the best genetic of Brown Swiss breed to the breeders of Trentino/Südtirol and to the ones living in every part of the world!